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New Releases
Knowledge in a Nutshell: Astrophysics
- The Complete Guide to Astrophysics, Including Galaxies, Dark Matter and Relativity
- By: Sten Odenwald
- Narrated by: Jot Davies
- Length: 6 hrs and 13 mins
- Unabridged
Whether searching for extra-terrestrial life, managing the effects of space weather or learning about dark matter, the study astrophysics has profound implications for us all. NASA scientist and astronomer Sten Odenwald explains the key concepts of this vast topic, bringing clarity to some of the great mysteries of space.
By: Sten Odenwald
L'universo oscuro
- Viaggio tra i più grandi misteri del cosmo
- By: Andrea Cimatti
- Narrated by: Walter Rivetti
- Length: 7 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
Quant’è grande l’universo? Da che cosa è composto? Com’è nato? Come evolverà? Il libro accompagna il lettore in un percorso che parte da ciò che sappiamo per poi addentrarsi nel territorio sconosciuto dei grandi misteri del cosmo. Un viaggio sorprendente che apre nuovi orizzonti, svelando che dietro l’apparenza luminosa e sfavillante di stelle e galassie si nasconde un universo costituito da componenti di natura ignota.
By: Andrea Cimatti
L'incanto di Urania
- Venticinque secoli di esplorazione del cielo
- By: Massimo Capaccioli
- Narrated by: Alessandro Salvatori
- Length: 23 hrs and 27 mins
- Unabridged
Oggi sappiamo che l’universo ha avuto origine con un big bang e si è espanso sotto il controllo delle componenti oscure di materia ed energia; abbiamo imparato come si formano, evolvono e interagiscono le galassie, e come nascono, vivono e muoiono le stelle; abbiamo cercato i pianeti extrasolari e i segnali della vita, ascoltato l’urlo della fusione di due buchi neri e molto altro ancora. Un sapere frutto del balzo in avanti dell’astrofisica e della cosmologia nel Novecento, stimolato e secondato dai grandiosi progressi della fisica e dalla tecnologia.
Quantum Physics for Beginners
- The Non-Scientist’s Guide to the Big Ideas of Quantum Mechanics, with Key Principles, Major Theories, and Experiments Simplified
- By: Pantheon Space Academy
- Narrated by: Grant Benker
- Length: 6 hrs and 9 mins
- Unabridged
Are you curious about the quantum world but overwhelmed by tough words and complex equations? Make this your first book on quantum—your guide to understanding the universe’s most mysterious topics, from waves and light to space, nature, and even consciousness!
Everyone got to listen this
- By Willy on 19-12-24
Astronomy 101
- From the Sun and Moon to Wormholes and Warp Drive, Key Theories, Discoveries, and Facts About the Universe
- By: Carolyn Collins Petersen
- Narrated by: Wendy Tremont King
- Length: 9 hrs and 12 mins
- Unabridged
Too often, textbooks obscure the beauty and wonder of outer space with tedious discourse that even Galileo would oppose. Astronomy 101 cuts out the boring details and lengthy explanations, and instead, gives you a lesson in astronomy that keeps you engaged as you discover what's hidden beyond our starry sky. From the Big Bang and nebulae to the Milky Way and Sir Isaac Newton, this celestial primer is packed with hundreds of entertaining astronomy facts you won't be able to get anywhere else.
The Beginner's Guide to Parallel Realities
- Grasp the Multiverse, Time Travel, and Alternate Dimensions. Simple Explanations to Expand Your Thinking and Transform How You See Reality
- By: House of Abundance Publications
- Narrated by: Jesse Burke
- Length: 1 hr and 24 mins
- Unabridged
"The Beginner's Guide to Parallel Realities" transforms mind-bending concepts into accessible insights that will forever change how you view reality. Using clear examples and engaging thought experiments, this guide breaks down complex theories about the multiverse, time travel, and alternate dimensions into digestible pieces that anyone can understand.
Mind Blowing and Easy to Understand!!!
- By Butterflywings09 on 20-12-24
Knowledge in a Nutshell: Astrophysics
- The Complete Guide to Astrophysics, Including Galaxies, Dark Matter and Relativity
- By: Sten Odenwald
- Narrated by: Jot Davies
- Length: 6 hrs and 13 mins
- Unabridged
Whether searching for extra-terrestrial life, managing the effects of space weather or learning about dark matter, the study astrophysics has profound implications for us all. NASA scientist and astronomer Sten Odenwald explains the key concepts of this vast topic, bringing clarity to some of the great mysteries of space.
By: Sten Odenwald
L'universo oscuro
- Viaggio tra i più grandi misteri del cosmo
- By: Andrea Cimatti
- Narrated by: Walter Rivetti
- Length: 7 hrs and 16 mins
- Unabridged
Quant’è grande l’universo? Da che cosa è composto? Com’è nato? Come evolverà? Il libro accompagna il lettore in un percorso che parte da ciò che sappiamo per poi addentrarsi nel territorio sconosciuto dei grandi misteri del cosmo. Un viaggio sorprendente che apre nuovi orizzonti, svelando che dietro l’apparenza luminosa e sfavillante di stelle e galassie si nasconde un universo costituito da componenti di natura ignota.
By: Andrea Cimatti
L'incanto di Urania
- Venticinque secoli di esplorazione del cielo
- By: Massimo Capaccioli
- Narrated by: Alessandro Salvatori
- Length: 23 hrs and 27 mins
- Unabridged
Oggi sappiamo che l’universo ha avuto origine con un big bang e si è espanso sotto il controllo delle componenti oscure di materia ed energia; abbiamo imparato come si formano, evolvono e interagiscono le galassie, e come nascono, vivono e muoiono le stelle; abbiamo cercato i pianeti extrasolari e i segnali della vita, ascoltato l’urlo della fusione di due buchi neri e molto altro ancora. Un sapere frutto del balzo in avanti dell’astrofisica e della cosmologia nel Novecento, stimolato e secondato dai grandiosi progressi della fisica e dalla tecnologia.
Quantum Physics for Beginners
- The Non-Scientist’s Guide to the Big Ideas of Quantum Mechanics, with Key Principles, Major Theories, and Experiments Simplified
- By: Pantheon Space Academy
- Narrated by: Grant Benker
- Length: 6 hrs and 9 mins
- Unabridged
Are you curious about the quantum world but overwhelmed by tough words and complex equations? Make this your first book on quantum—your guide to understanding the universe’s most mysterious topics, from waves and light to space, nature, and even consciousness!
Everyone got to listen this
- By Willy on 19-12-24
Astronomy 101
- From the Sun and Moon to Wormholes and Warp Drive, Key Theories, Discoveries, and Facts About the Universe
- By: Carolyn Collins Petersen
- Narrated by: Wendy Tremont King
- Length: 9 hrs and 12 mins
- Unabridged
Too often, textbooks obscure the beauty and wonder of outer space with tedious discourse that even Galileo would oppose. Astronomy 101 cuts out the boring details and lengthy explanations, and instead, gives you a lesson in astronomy that keeps you engaged as you discover what's hidden beyond our starry sky. From the Big Bang and nebulae to the Milky Way and Sir Isaac Newton, this celestial primer is packed with hundreds of entertaining astronomy facts you won't be able to get anywhere else.
The Beginner's Guide to Parallel Realities
- Grasp the Multiverse, Time Travel, and Alternate Dimensions. Simple Explanations to Expand Your Thinking and Transform How You See Reality
- By: House of Abundance Publications
- Narrated by: Jesse Burke
- Length: 1 hr and 24 mins
- Unabridged
"The Beginner's Guide to Parallel Realities" transforms mind-bending concepts into accessible insights that will forever change how you view reality. Using clear examples and engaging thought experiments, this guide breaks down complex theories about the multiverse, time travel, and alternate dimensions into digestible pieces that anyone can understand.
Mind Blowing and Easy to Understand!!!
- By Butterflywings09 on 20-12-24
The Russell Cosmogony
- A New Concept of Light, Matter, and Energy
- By: Walter Russell
- Narrated by: Luke Erlenbush
- Length: 2 hrs and 14 mins
- Unabridged
The Russell Cosmogony: A New Concept of Light, Matter, and Energy by Walter Russell offers a revolutionary perspective on the workings of the universe, challenging conventional scientific paradigms. This groundbreaking work explores the principles of light, matter, energy, electricity, and magnetism through a unique lens, emphasizing the unity and rhythmic balance of all creation.
By: Walter Russell
El primer hombre [First Man]
- La vida de Neil A. Armstrong [The Life of Neil A. Armstrong]
- By: James R. Hansen, Efrén del Valle Peñamil
- Narrated by: Javier Lacroix
- Length: 19 hrs and 50 mins
- Unabridged
La vida del primer hombre que pisó la Luna y la historia del hito que marcó la humanidad y la carrera espacial. En una penetrante exploración del culto al héroe estadounidense, Hansen aborda el complejo legado del Primer Hombre, como astronauta y como individuo. En este libro, la intimidad, la ciencia y la épica se entremezclan para formar el retrato de un héroe rebelde que siempre será conocido como el viajero espacial más famoso de la historia.
By: James R. Hansen, and others
Dalla Terra a Marte
- L’affascinante avventura del Pianeta Rosso
- By: Maria Giulia Andretta
- Narrated by: Irene Geronimi
- Length: 5 hrs and 41 mins
- Unabridged
Perché è importante andare su Marte? Perché la scoperta, l’avventura, la sfida sono insite nel destino dell’uomo, il viaggio è una costante dell’esperienza umana e la ricerca di altre forme di vita non è altro che una delle possibilità per avere dal futuro risposte sul passato. Scenderemo su Marte e diventeremo "marziani" per avere risposte, poiché anche la più straordinaria invenzione non potrà mai sostituire il fattore umano e l’atto di piantare fisicamente una bandiera.
The Well-Planned Universe
- Exploring the True Nature of Our World and the Universe Beyond
- By: Kenneth Davis
- Narrated by: L. K. Davis
- Length: 2 hrs and 46 mins
- Unabridged
The Well-Planned Universe provides evidence-based insights into the nature of our world, ourselves, and the universe beyond. The book explains how recent developments in computer science along with evidence from physics, astronomy, chemistry, and biology reveal that there is more to the universe and ourselves than most people realize.
By: Kenneth Davis
- By: 野村 泰紀
- Narrated by: デジタルボイス
- Length: 3 hrs and 36 mins
- Unabridged
By: 野村 泰紀
- By: 松浦 晋也
- Narrated by: デジタルボイス
- Length: 6 hrs and 29 mins
- Unabridged
なぜ日本では「スペースX」が生まれないのか? そこには、山積する日本の行政機構ならではの問題点があった! 日本はどこで世界に遅れを取ることになったのか。そのなかでも活かすべき日本の宇宙技術の強みとは。 そして、これから学ぶべきイーロン・マスクの「狂気」とは――気鋭の科学ジャーナリストが記す、「科学技術立国」日本の現状と、復活への処方箋!
By: 松浦 晋也