• 12 Application of Heavenly Wisdom (Pt. 3 - The Prayer of Faith)
    Nov 26 2023
    * This is the final segment of our study of James' letter ... * Over the past two weeks we have considered how the Wisdom of God (Heavenly Wisdom) applies to our lives - examining what James declares regarding the Will of the Lord and the Treatment of Others. Today, we look at what James declares regarding The Prayer of Faith. * This section brings us full-circle to where James began his letter exhorting the brethren to call upon the Father of Lights - the giver of every morally good gift and every perfect bestowment - for wisdom in the midst of troublesome situations. * James concludes his letter with the same exhortation. * This message was presented on November 26, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 11 Application of Heavenly Wisdom (Pt. 2 - The Treatment of Others)
    Nov 19 2023
    * Having considered the Contrast and Conflict between Worldly Wisdom and Heavenly Wisdom. We began last week considering the application based upon Wisdom of God (Heavenly Wisdom). In that message, we considered The Finiteness of Man and the Sovereignty of God. As created beings, we are both Limited in Our Knowledge and Limited in Our Days upon the earth. We saw that the Word of God declares that when we learn to number our days, we will gain a heart of wisdom. * Today, we will be looking at the second of these applications - the Treatment of Others. As Jesus declared, the greatest commandment given is to love YHWH with all of our heart, soul, and mind. Doing so, the second is like unto it: loving others as ourselves. As is James pattern, he will begin with a negative declaration and then give instruction as to how we ought to live. * This message was presented on November 19, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 10 Application of Heavenly Wisdom (Pt. 1 - The Will of the Lord)
    Nov 12 2023
    * Over the past two weeks, we considered James' proclamation of the Contrast of, and Conflict between, the Wisdom of God (Heavenly Wisdom) and the Wisdom of the World (Earthly Wisdom). * We are entering the final section of James' letter which contains applications to our lives based upon choosing the Wisdom of God over the wisdom of the world. * Last week, as we considered the Prescription for Heavenly Wisdom it began with the command to Submit to God - voluntarily placing yourself under the authority of God. Additionally, we were told to humble ourselves in the sight of YHWH and He would lift us up. * Today, we begin looking at three of the applications of Heavenly Wisdom by considering our humble submission to the will of YHWH. * This message was presented on November 12, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 09 The Way of Wisdom (Pt. 2 - The Conflict)
    Nov 5 2023
    * Last week, we transitioned in James' letter to discussion of the Perfect Way of Wisdom. * James initially reveals the Contrast between Worldly Wisdom and Heavenly Wisdom. He declares that World Wisdom is of a earthly, sensual, and demonic nature, and is evidenced by envy, self-seeking, and confusion. Heavenly Wisdom, on the other hand, was Wisdom that comes from God and is evidenced in purity, peace, gentleness, submission, mercy, and good fruits. * Clearly, these two forms of wisdom ARE NOT compatible. James next addresses the Conflict that exists with believers following worldly wisdom. He first presents arguments AGAINST the wisdom of the world and then instructions FOR Walking in the Wisdom of God. * This message was presented on November 5, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 08 The Way of Wisdom (Pt. 1 - The Contrast)
    Oct 29 2023
    * Four weeks ago we began to consider the Perfect Law of Liberty - summed up in our call to love our neighbors as ourselves - and then, subsequently, the application of that Law of Liberty in our lives. * As we transition into the next section of James' letter, we will see him transition from the Application of the Perfect Law of Liberty to the Perfect Way of Wisdom. Yet, as we transition, we will note that James' assertion that TRUE FAITH is evidenced by TRUE WORKS is also true regarding when it comes to a consideration of WHICH WAY of Wisdom you are following. * Last week, as part of our study of the Importance of Words, saw that those who set themselves up as teacher would receive the stricter judgment (assessment). As we considered the wording of that warning, we turned to Romans 8:1 where we are told, "There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus ..." But, the verse continues as does the flow of thought. Consider Paul's statement in Romans 8:1-9 * Those who "are in Christ Jesus" will not -as a practice- walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. This statement is evidenced as well in James' declaration regarding The Contrast of the Wisdoms from which we choose. * This message was presented on October 29, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 07 Application of the Perfect Law (Pt. 3 - The Importance of Words)
    Oct 22 2023
    * Three weeks ago we began to consider that ultimate expression of truly comprehending that God is the giver of every good gift and every perfect bestowment will be: that we will want to BE doers of His Word and not hearers-only; we will want to Receive, Apply, Study and Continue in - the Perfect Law of Liberty. That Perfect Law of Liberty is our call to love our neighbors as ourselves. * Two weeks ago we began to consider how James applied this truth within the realm of our practical theology ... how we live out what we believe. * First we considered James exhortation regarding Loving without Partiality. Last week, we considered how True Faith will be revealed in True Works - such that faith without works is dead. * Today, we want to consider James' teaching regarding the importance of words revealed in three different aspects. * This message was presented on October 22, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 06 Application of the Perfect Law (Pt. 2 - Faith vs. Works)
    Oct 15 2023
    * This is now the sixth week that we have been studying the letter of James to the twelve tribes which were scattered as a result of the persecution of the church. * James opened his letter to them by exhorting them to consider their troublesome situations as joyous events which have been allowed in their lives to strengthen their endurance and prove the genuineness of their faith. He instructed them that our troublesome times are not caused by God - who is the giver of every good gift and perfect bestowment - but ultimately arise as a result of our misguided burning passions. James challenged them to be doers of the word - the Perfect Law of Liberty - and not to deceive themselves by being hearers only. * James then begins to apply this exhortation to our practical theology ... how we live out what we believe. * Today, we will consider the second of these applications: Faith vs. Works. This portion almost prevented the letter of James from being included in what was accepted as the inspired Word of God. * This message was presented on October 15, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 05 Application of the Perfect Law (Pt. 1 - Love without Partiality)
    Oct 8 2023
    * Last week, toward the end of the message ... we began to consider ultimate expression of truly comprehending that God - the Father of Lights - is the giver of every good gift and every perfect bestowment. If we truly believe this, we will want to be DOERS OF THE WORD and not hearers-only. We will want to Receive, Apply, Study and Continue in - the Perfect Law of Liberty. * That Perfect Law of Liberty is our call to love our neighbors as ourselves. It is the Freedom that we have to serve others without the fear of making ourselves unclean in the process. * As troublesome situations come into our lives, causing us to either to grow in our faith or exposing our need to repent of sin, we are provided opportunities to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Christ! (Luke 9:23ff) * James now begins to build upon this theme by applying this Pearl of Wisdom to three different areas. * We will consider the first of those today - Loving without Partiality. * This message was presented on October 8, 2023 by Bob Corbin.
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