
  • Episode 88: Major Payne 1995
    Feb 14 2023
    Dustins pick this week was the 1995 military school comedy led by Damon Wayans Major Payne. Join us for a fun revisit of this classic. Movies Against Time is a bi-weekly film retrospective podcast hosted by married couple Sylvia and Dustin along with their long time friend Bob. Each episode we take turns picking a movie from the 60's to the 00's to revisit or sometimes experience for the first time. We share our unique perspectives and research behind the scenes information that we find interesting along with occasional banter and personal stories. Our little show is the perfect binge listen for movie buffs and casuals alike Subscribe / Listen Here - https://link.chtbl.com/mat Email: moviesagainsttime@gmail.com / matpod@mail.com RSS Feed: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/rss2.xml Website: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/ Insta: moviesagainst Twitter: @moviesagainst Movies Against Time on Facebook.
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    48 mins
  • Episode 87: Miss Congeniality 2000
    Jan 18 2023
    Welcome to Movies Against Time, the bi-weekly film retrospective podcast where married couple Sylvia and Dustin, along with long-time friend Bob, take a trip down memory lane and revisit classic films from the 60s to the 00s. This week, we're discussing the 2000 comedy hit "Miss Congeniality" starring Sandra Bullock. Join us as we share our unique perspectives on the film, delve into behind-the-scenes information, and share personal anecdotes. Whether you're a movie buff or a casual viewer, there's something for everyone in this episode. So, sit back, relax and come along for the ride as we revisit "Miss Congeniality" and have a good laugh. Don't forget to subscribe, listen and rate us on your preferred platform and follow us on social media for more updates and exclusive content. Visit our website for more information and to submit your movie suggestions for future episodes. Email: moviesagainsttime@gmail.com / matpod@mail.com RSS Feed: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/rss2.xml Website: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/ Insta: moviesagainst Twitter: @moviesagainst Movies Against Time on Facebook."
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    58 mins
  • Episode 86: Iron Eagle 1986
    Jan 8 2023
    With Top Gun: Maverick hitting streaming what better time to review the true jet fighting G.O.A.T that is 1986's Iron Eagle hitting theaters mere months before Tom's copy? Join us and revisit this jem. Movies Against Time is a bi-weekly film retrospective podcast hosted by married couple Sylvia and Dustin along with their long time friend Bob. Each episode we take turns picking a movie from the 60's to the 00's to revisit or sometimes experience for the first time. We share our unique perspectives and research behind the scenes information that we find interesting along with occasional banter and personal stories. Our little show is the perfect binge listen for movie buffs and casuals alike Subscribe / Listen Here - https://link.chtbl.com/mat Email: moviesagainsttime@gmail.com RSS Feed: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/rss2.xml Website: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/ Insta: moviesagainst Twitter: @moviesagainst Movies Against Time on Facebook.
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    1 hr and 3 mins
  • Episode 85: Highlander 1986
    Dec 22 2022
    This week Dustin had the gang revisit the sword and sorcery cult classic Highlander from 1986, Starring Christopher Lambert in his first American leading role, Clancy Brown as the evil Kurgan and a treasured performance from sir Sean Connery as Juan Ramirez. Movies Against Time is a bi-weekly film retrospective podcast hosted by married couple Sylvia and Dustin along with their long time friend Bob. Each episode we take turns picking a movie from the 60's to the 00's to revisit or sometimes experience for the first time. We share our unique perspectives and research behind the scenes information that we find interesting along with occasional banter and personal stories. Our little show is the perfect binge listen for movie buffs and casuals alike Subscribe / Listen Here - https://link.chtbl.com/mat Email: moviesagainsttime@gmail.com RSS Feed: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/rss2.xml Website: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/ Insta: moviesagainst Twitter: @moviesagainst Movies Against Time on Facebook.
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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • Episode 84: Planes, Trains and Automobiles 1987
    Nov 29 2022
    We picked the only Thanksgiving movie we could think of for our Thanksgiving episode. John Hughes first foray into non-teen films was a critical success despite its being a family film with an R rating. Join us this Holiday season as we revisit this Holiday classic. Movies Against Time is a bi-weekly film retrospective podcast hosted by married couple Sylvia and Dustin along with their long time friend Bob. Each episode we take turns picking a movie from the 60's to the 00's to revisit or sometimes experience for the first time. We share our unique perspectives and research behind the scenes information that we find interesting along with occasional banter and personal stories. Our little show is the perfect binge listen for movie buffs and casuals alike Subscribe / Listen Here - https://link.chtbl.com/mat Email: moviesagainsttime@gmail.com / matpod@mail.com RSS Feed: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/rss2.xml Website: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/ Insta: moviesagainst Twitter: @moviesagainst Movies Against Time on Facebook.
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    1 hr and 23 mins
  • Episode 83: Tombstone 1993
    Nov 12 2022
    This week Dustin chose the 1993 Western Tombstone, Starring Kurt Russell, Val Kilmer, Sam Elliott and Bill Paxton alongside a monster cast of Hollywood legends. This endlessly quoted classic holds up. Movies Against Time is a bi-weekly film retrospective podcast hosted by married couple Sylvia and Dustin along with their long time friend Bob. Each episode we take turns picking a movie from the 60's to the 00's to revisit or sometimes experience for the first time. We share our unique perspectives and research behind the scenes information that we find interesting along with occasional banter and personal stories. Our little show is the perfect binge listen for movie buffs and casuals alike Subscribe / Listen Here - https://link.chtbl.com/mat Email: moviesagainsttime@gmail.com RSS Feed: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/rss2.xml Website: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/ Insta: moviesagainst Twitter: @moviesagainst Movies Against Time on Facebook.
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    1 hr and 32 mins
  • Episode 82: House Of Wax 1953 / 2005 Halloween Double Creature
    Oct 27 2022
    Our Halloween episode had to be special, and Sylvia understood the assignment. Join us as we compare the Vincent Price classic from 1953 featuring a very young Charles Bronson as Igor and try to compare it to the 2005 box office bomb starring Paris Hilton. Both films have alot to offer along with some faults but what is for sure, is we had a blast revisiting both these horrors. Be safe out their Trick or Treating and remember their are lots of kids out with poor vision walking the streets at night so drive sober and drive safe. Happy Halloween! Movies Against Time is a bi-weekly film retrospective podcast hosted by married couple Sylvia and Dustin along with their long time friend Bob. Each episode we take turns picking a movie from the 60's to the 00's to revisit or sometimes experience for the first time. We share our unique perspectives and research behind the scenes information that we find interesting along with occasional banter and personal stories. Our little show is the perfect binge listen for movie buffs and casuals alike Subscribe / Listen Here - https://link.chtbl.com/mat Email: matpod@mail.com RSS Feed: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/rss2.xml Website: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/ Insta: moviesagainst Twitter: @moviesagainst Movies Against Time on Facebook.
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    1 hr and 27 mins
  • Episode 81: Constantine 2005
    Oct 13 2022
    This week Bob's pick was Keanu Reeves Comic book adaption of the Hellblazer franchise from DC Vertigo, Constantine. Recently announced to be getting it's long awaited sequel exciting all of us here at Movies Against. This film directed by a fresh Francis Lawrence is an exciting "superhero" film excels at enhancing the dark side of comic book heroes along side the likes of Blade, The Crow and Spawn. Movies Against Time is a bi-weekly film retrospective podcast hosted by married couple Sylvia and Dustin along with their long time friend Bob. Each episode we take turns picking a movie from the 60's to the 00's to revisit or sometimes experience for the first time. We share our unique perspectives and research behind the scenes information that we find interesting along with occasional banter and personal stories. Our little show is the perfect binge listen for movie buffs and casuals alike Subscribe / Listen Here - https://link.chtbl.com/mat Email: matpod@mail.com RSS Feed: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/rss2.xml Website: https://moviesagainsttime.podomatic.com/ Insta: moviesagainst Twitter: @moviesagainst Movies Against Time on Facebook.
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    1 hr and 42 mins