• 15 The Time of the End
    Apr 10 2022
    * Today, we come to the end of our study of the book of Daniel. We have seen the Impact of His God, His Life and His Writings. * The book of Daniel is split into two sections - chapters 1-6 were primarily historical; chapters 7-12 are primarily prophetical. Yet, as we have seen the "historical" section was laced with prophecy and the "prophetical" section has been chock-full of history ... especially from our perspective in considering fulfilled prophecy. * Last week, as we examined the first portion of this final prophecy (contained in chapters 10-12), we saw that the information given expanded upon two of the previous prophecies. In Chapter 8, we saw the fulfillment of the prophecy during the days of Antiochus IV and the Maccabean Revolt. In Chapter 9, we saw how Daniel was informed that there would be 490 years (seventy sevens) decreed for his people that would be broken into two primary sections: 483 years between the decree to rebuild the city and the cutting off of the Messiah, and a final seven year period that would occur at the end times. * Last week's portion of this final prophecy dealt with more detail regarding what would transpire during the 483 years. * Today, we will consider greater detail of the final week. Remember Daniel 9:27 "Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; but in the middle of the week he shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering. And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate, even until the consummation, which is determined, is poured out on the desolate." * The weight of the detail that God gave regarding The Time of the Greeks - as seen in the Seleucid and Ptolemaic Empires - should cause us to truly take note of what God reveals regarding this final week of Daniel's vision, which is still to come! * This message was presented on April 10, 2022 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 14 The Time of the Greeks
    Apr 3 2022
    * We are nearing the end of our study of the book of Daniel. We have seen the Impact of His God, His Life and His Writings. * Recently, we have been considering the Impact of His Writings in the prophetical revelation which YHWH had given to him. * Last week, we began studying the final portion of his writings, chapters 10 through 12, which comprise one large prophecy regarding "the latter days." However these "latter days" are broken into two major segments: The Time of the Persians and Greeks ... and The Time of the End. Last week, we considered the Prologue to this prophecy by considering the Prophet of God and the Messenger of God. * Today we want to cover the first section of this prophecy - that dealing with the Persians and Greeks (predominantly the Greeks). This prophecy covers approximately 372 years of history! We have already considered the end portion of this time as we studied the prophecy recorded in Daniel 8. * Though most of this will be academic, DO NOT MISS the implications as we sore through the fulfillment of this phenomenal prophecy! * This message was presented on April 3, 2022 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 13 Be Strong, Yes, Be Strong!
    Mar 27 2022
    * We have been studying the book of Daniel for the past three months. We have been considering the incredible impact of his God through his life and writings. In chapter 1, we learned that Daniel began serving Nebuchadnezzar at the beginning of Nebuchadnezzar's reign, and that he continued serving the rulers of Babylon and then Persia until the first year of Cyrus. We have seen that there was a great probability that it was Daniel who probably informed Cyrus that YHWH had prophesied regarding him, by name, through the prophet Isaiah, and that YHWH had also declared that they would be under Babylonian rule for seventy years. Hence, that is probably why Cyrus, in the first year of his reign, decreed that the Jewish people would be allowed to return to their land and rebuild the Temple of YHWH! * Over the past five weeks we have been considering the prophetic portion of Daniel's writing. It is amazing to see the great detail which YHWH declared the future happenings of Israel, specifically as it dealt with the nation of Greece. That detail will become even more profound over these next three weeks as we consider the final portion of Daniel's book. Chapters 10 through 12 deal with one longer prophetic revelation which actually covers two different portions of Israel's future history: The Time of the Persians and Greeks and the Time of the End. * A detail that is very interesting is that this revelation comes to Daniel AFTER the decree of Cyrus for the Jews to rebuild the Temple! Daniel ministered unto the 1st year of Cyrus. This prophecy comes during the third year of Cyrus! Daniel, in a sense, is retired ... but not as a prophet! * Today, we will look at the Prologue to these prophecies, where we are introduced to the two primary characters - the Prophet of God and the Messenger of God, and their interactions. Next week, Lord willing we will look at the prophecy regarding The Time of the Persians and Greeks, and then conclude this series with a consideration of the prophecy regarding The Time of the End. * This message was presented on March 27, 2022 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 12 Seventy Sevens
    Mar 20 2022
    * We are in the midst of considering the prophetical portion of the book of Daniel. * Last week, we began looking at chapter 9 and saw the impact of reading God's Word upon Daniel himself. As Daniel read from the Law of Moses and the prophetic writings of Jeremiah, he began to confess his, and his people's, sins. Daniel then interceded upon behalf of his country, beseeching God to stay His anger and extend His mercy. Today, we see the Divine Response to Daniel's prayer - additional prophecy! * We want to consider two preliminary thoughts, prior to a technical consideration of the prophecy of the Seventy Sevens given to Daniel. - First, regarding the beloved nature of Daniel. God took great pleasure in His faithful servant! - Second, regarding the telescopic nature of Prophecy. Prophecy is future oriented and, many times, we are only given highlights of several future events which may appear to blend together in our view. Hence, many times, prophecy has multiple projected fulfillments. We will see an application of that telescopic nature of prophecy in the fulfillment of this prophecy of the Seventy Sevens as we are specifically told that there are two major fulfillments. * This message was presented on March 20, 2022 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 11 Because we have sinned against You
    Mar 13 2022
    * Three weeks ago, we began considering the prophetical portion of the book of Daniel. * Last week, we saw how the prophecy contained within chapter 8 has already been fulfilled during the days of Antiochus IV - Epiphanes, and historically recorded in the writings of the Hasmoneans, in First and Second Maccabees. * Today, we will consider the first half of chapter 9. In this chapter, we see the affect that studying prophecy has upon the very prophet whose writings we are studying! Daniel was a student of God's word and even the writings of other contemporary prophets, such as Jeremiah! As Daniel reads the word of God, he realizes that he is actually living in the days of the fulfillment of other prophecy! May we learn from the life and prayer of this godly man! * This message was presented on March 13, 2022 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 10 The Ram and the Goat
    Mar 6 2022
    * We are in the prophetical portion of the book of Daniel. * Today, we are considering a vision of Daniel that has already been fulfilled, and historically recorded, in the writings of the Hasmoneans in First and Second Maccabees. Though we do not recognize these writings as Scripture, we do understand the importance of them as historical records. * As we consider this vision, and its fulfillment, we must ask ourselves two questions: "How would I respond if I were alive then?" and, "Am I ready to respond if I am to live through some, or all, of the events of the end times?" * This message was presented on March 6, 2022 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 09 Until the Ancient of Days Came (Pt. 2)
    Feb 27 2022
    * The first half of the book of Daniel was primarily historical. Today, we begin considering the final six chapters which are primarily prophetical. Yet, the prophecies of Daniel contain such great detail that liberal scholars have sought for years to prove that they were written after the fact! However, in 1952 Cave 4 at Qumran revealed fragments of a manuscript containing segments of the prophetical portion of the book of Daniel! These are manuscripts are commonly referred to as the Dead Sea Scrolls. At least eight manuscripts of Daniel have been found among the 11 caves; only the Psalms (13) and Exodus (9) outnumber that number of manuscripts! * This is where we begin to see The Impact of His Writing! * Last week, as we began to consider this text, we saw that this prophecy builds up the vision that Nebuchadnezzar had in his dream which is recorded in chapter 2. * Today, Lord willing, we will conclude our consideration of the first of Daniel's prophetic visions. * This message was presented on February 27, 2022 by Bob Corbin.
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  • 08 Until the Ancient of Days Came (Pt 1)
    Feb 20 2022
    * The first half of the book of Daniel was primarily historical. Today, we begin considering the final six chapters which are primarily prophetical. Yet, the prophecies of Daniel contain such great detail that liberal scholars have sought for years to prove that they were written after the fact! However, in 1952 Cave 4 at Qumran revealed fragments of a manuscript containing segments of the prophetical portion of the book of Daniel! These are manuscripts are commonly referred to as the Dead Sea Scrolls. At least eight manuscripts of Daniel have been found among the 11 caves; only the Psalms (13) and Exodus (9) outnumber that number of manuscripts! * This is where we begin to see The Impact of His Writing! Remember 2 Timothy 3:16 (all scripture is God-breathed) and 2 Peter 1:19-21 (no prophecy of scripture is of any private interpretation, but holy men spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit). * As we enter into this portion it is important to remember two concepts: 1) Prophecy is best understood "after the fact." 2) Progressive Revelation refers to the fact that God continued to unveil more details regarding prophecy (specifically, end-time prophecy) throughout Scripture. That which is given later agrees with, and expands upon, that which has already been given. * THE MAJOR LESSON that we need to remember as we begin to consider this portion is that God is Sovereign over ALL Kingdoms and events. HISTORY is truly HISSTORY! Nothing has ... or will ... take God by surprise. I do not need to fear or be anxious about my current, or future, situation because God has it under control! * At the beginning of the reign of Nebuchadnezzar, he had his dream of the statue which represented five kingdoms and then that of the Messiah's. YHWH allowed Daniel the privilege of receiving the identical dream and it's interpretation. I often wonder whether Daniel, in his studies and prayers, continued to ponder and pray about further understanding regarding that dream/vision ... because the prophetic portion of the book of Daniel expand upon this prophetic dream of Nebuchadnezzar. * This message was presented on February 20, 2022 by Bob Corbin.
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