• Leadership Behaviors: Power of Mentoring | The FRONT
    May 10 2019

    Today in my Leadership Behaviors series, we talk about the power of mentoring others.

    There are significant benefits to both the mentor and the mentee when entering a mentoring relationship.  In this video I am sharing some key benefits associated with the leadership behaviors of mentoring others.

    As leaders when we outwardly show these leadership behaviors it inspires and grows our people not just because of what we say, or what we do, but because of who we are!


    #mentor #leadership #success

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    6 mins
  • Leadership Behaviors: Pace and Intensity | The FRONT
    Apr 18 2019
    Pace and intensity is creating high speed in business leadership.

    In this video I am sharing with you key leadership behaviors and skills to increase the pace of yourself and the intensity in your workplace.


    As leaders when we outwardly show these leadership behaviors it inspires and grows our people not just because of what we say, or what we do, but because of who we are!

    "Let your pace manage your steps, and intensity manage your attitude" ~ Mike Phillips

    Download This Episode Now!

    Check out http://LeadTheTeam.TV for more episodes! And please SUBSCRIBE there!

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    5 mins
  • Where Focus Goes | The FRONT
    Mar 25 2019
    Where focus goes, energy flows.

    That statement carries a powerful message. This quote that has stuck by me throughout my business career that was shared originally by Tony Robbins.

    The premise is that whatever we focus on; we receive back in abundance.


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    I hope that you keep up with the website, social media, and me, Mike Phillips, making the magic happen online.
    ➡️ ➡️ ➡️ Let's connect! I'm online here:
    Facebook: http://facebook.com/Mike.LeadTheTeam
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    Check out more audio and video content and SUBSCRIBE at http://LeadTheTeam.TV

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    7 mins
  • Leadership Behaviors: Conflict Resolution | The FRONT
    Mar 11 2019
    In this video I am sharing with you some leadership behaviors and skills that will help you with conflict resolution.

    These tips will help you whether you are seeking solutions to resolve conflict one-on-one or between multiple parties. As leaders when we outwardly show these leadership behaviors it inspires and grows our people not just because of what we say, or what we do, but because of who we are!


    ▶️ Subscribe to My Channel Here - https://goo.gl/TpmJtj

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    6 mins
  • Leadership Lessons from The FRONT with guest Sharifah Hardie
    Mar 7 2019
    This week I have another amazing guest... Sharifah Hardie of "Ask Sharifah"

    The FRONT podcast is going live!

    Sharifah Hardie, also known as Ask Sharifah, is the CEO of XroadsTV.com and InTheNewsPR.com. Sharifah is also Host of 'Ask Sharifah' a video interview webisode for entrepreneurs and influencers. AND she is an amazing woman and a joy to talk to! I encourage you to join us this week, the show is going to be 🔥🔥🔥



    There is so much good content and conversation. Watch here!

    You can connect with Sharifah Hardie  through www. AskSharifah.com and check out her upcoming book!

    Download This Episode Now!

    "Live Leadership Lessons from The FRONT" are live interviews with people that are known for their performance, work ethic, character, integrity, business skill sets, and of course their leadership skills.

    These are the experts to tune in and learn from!

    We hope you've enjoyed the show! Each podcast is a 15-30 minute live interview.


    AND please SUBSCRIBE and you can tune in to the replay on http://www.LeadTheTeam.TV


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    43 mins
  • Sales Process Example | Simple and Proven 5 Step Process | The FRONT
    Feb 11 2019

    Today I'm sharing with you my 5 Step Sales Process example that drives proven results.

    This process can apply to many verticals in business and over a multitude of products. And, if you implement this, it can really simplify your life, and maximize the time involved from greeting to closing the sale.


    This works best in B2B or B2C sales environments when you engage face to face with your potential buyer. Whether you are selling widgets, steak knives, paintings, cars, or houses, you can apply this right now.

    For me, this resulted in over 25 units per month personally (auto sales) and has generated over $30 million per year in retail sales for the company.
    http://www.LeadTheTeam.net | http://www.MichaelShawnPhillips.com
    1. Greet the customer.

    2. Wants and Needs Evaluation (Qualify)

    3. Present the product

    4. Demonstrate the product (allow the customer to do this)

    5. Close the deal.


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    9 mins
  • Achieving Your Dreams | The FRONT
    Feb 4 2019
    If you do this ONE THING you are on your way to achieving your dreams!

    What are your dreams? What do you want to accomplish today, tomorrow, or for your future?


    So often, people have great ideas, they have passion; they have fire and they have things they want to do. And just as often, we fall short. Why? No action, you have to execute on what you want.

    The primary message for this video - TAKE ACTION. The key is consistent action. And BEFORE you start, you need to get clarity. Be specific with what you want in the outcome. Because if you aren’t specific, you WILL get a result, but it may not be the one you intended on.

    For me here’s what works. Three steps. I keep it really simple.

    1. Write down a plan. (This can take time)
    2. Review the plan and tell someone else about it. Not because you want their opinion, but so that as you start executing, they can ask and see if you are being held accountable to move towards your goal.
    3. START NOW. You must take action.

    People often get caught up in planning, reviewing the plan, planning, reviewing the plan… you get the idea. And a perfect plan never executed will never ever come to fruition.

    So the key to achieving your dreams is to take action, to start. Start where you are. Doing something towards your goal or dream every single day. In the beginning, it doesn’t matter if it’s 5 minutes, or 15 minutes - the time is not the determining factor, it’s that you moved closer to your goal, closer to your dream.

    What are you waiting for? Get going!

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    7 mins
  • Empowering People | The FRONT
    Jan 31 2019
    It's important for anyone in a leadership role to be empowering people. This is a basic principle to achieve high levels of success in an organization.

    Why? Because we can’t do everything ourselves. And if we don’t give responsibilities and power to others, then ultimately we will be forced to take on tasks ourselves. Including tasks that should be taken on by people that are better suited than us.


    Empower at its core is to give someone the power to do something; it’s also making others stronger and more confident in themselves. Because when people are stronger and more confident, especially in business - more gets done, we see better results and everyone profits more. From the employee, the manager, the leader, and the organization.

    So let’s talk about a few ways to provide empowerment.

    1. Training - improving peoples skill sets in many areas allows them to get stronger; training creates confidence.
    2. Communication - when you communicate well with people it helps them understand the depth of decision making they have. It gives clarity.
    3. Trust - trust is hard because sometimes people will make mistakes. If or rather when mistakes happen. Use them as learning opportunities. And keep in mind, the better-trained someone is and the better YOU communicate with them, the fewer mistakes and the stronger the level of trust.

    So those are a few ways I used to empower my employees, and the people I work with. What are the things you do? I would love to hear in the comments what methods are you using to empower people in your business?

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    6 mins