• The 5th Word of YHWH (Part 2)
    Nov 17 2019
    This is the 10th, and final, installment in our study of the book of Zechariah. Truly, the end of Zechariah is the climax! Last week, we began considering the 5th, and final, Word of YHWH to Zechariah - considering the events surrounding the Restoration of Israel in the end times. This message was presented on November 17, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The 5th Word of YHWH (Part 1)
    Nov 10 2019
    This is the 9th installment in our study of the book of Zechariah. Lord willing, we will finish our study next Sunday. Over the past two weeks we have considered the 4th Word of YHWH to Zechariah. In the 4th Word, YHWH declared the coming of the Heavenly King and True Shepherd (one and the same) in apposition to Earthly Kings (Greece - Alexander the Great and Rome - Titus) and the Worthless and Foolish Shepherds (disobedient prophets, priests and princes ... and the anti-Messiah). Today, we begin considering the final Word of YHWH to Zechariah - the 5th Word. This Word of YHWH continues the theme of considering the events surrounding the Restoration of Israel in the end times. This message was presented on November 10, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The 4th Word of YHWH (Part 2)
    Nov 3 2019
    This is the 8th installment in our study of the book of Zechariah. There are only two more weeks in the series beyond this one. Last week, as we studied Chapter 9, we began considering the 4th Word of YHWH to Zechariah. As we saw, YHWH gave Zechariah a vision regarding three distinct events in world history - the Coming of Alexander, the 1st Coming of Messiah and the 2nd Coming of Messiah. Today, we continue looking at this vision as it extends into Chapter 10 and 11. In this segment, YHWH transitions His comments specifically to a contrast between the supposed shepherds of Israel and the True Shepherd - the Messiah, YHWH Incarnate! As we shall see at the end of the prophecy because of the failure of those who were supposed to be shepherds and their subsequent rejection of the True Shepherd, YHWH would hand them over to a Foolish (False) Shepherd. This message was presented on November 3, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The 4th Word of YHWH (Part 1)
    Oct 27 2019
    This is the 7th installment in our study of the book of Zechariah. Truly it is filled with many prophecies regarding YHWH's interaction with the nation of Israel and His plan for the end times. In the first message, we considered the Telescopic Nature of Prophecy. It is important to understand that concept as we consider chapter 9. For in this chapter we see three distinct events in world history: the Coming of Alexander the Great (and his destruction of the city of Tyre), the First Coming of Messiah (Jesus the Christ), and the Second Coming of Messiah. The Bible has alot to say regarding the coming of Alexander and his destruction of Tyre. It is prophesied via Isaiah (chapter 23) and Ezekiel (Chapters 26-28). Daniel chapter 11 prophetically gives great detail regarding the rise of Akexander and the subsequent reigns and battles between the Ptolemies and Seleucids (two of the Alexander's generals who would rise out of the four.) The confirmation of past prophecy that has been fulfilled in great detail brings assurance regarding the fulfillment of that which is still to come! It is important as well, in this passage, to see the contrast between the Ultimate Earthly King and the Divine Messianic King. Earthly kings rule through tyranny. The rule of the Divine Messiah will bring tranquility. This message was presented on October 27, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The 3rd Word of YHWH
    Oct 20 2019
    The book of Zechariah is filled with many prophecies regarding YHWH's interaction with the nation of Israel and His plan for the end times. Today, we examine the 3rd Word of YHWH to Zechariah. There is no mistaking the divine nature of this passage. At least eleven (11) times in these 37 verses we read that what is being proclaimed is a direct quote from YHWH Sabaoth! As we examine this portion of Scripture, we need to remember that this Word is given while people are rebuilding after the 70 years of exile. Yet, God is exhorting the people to look past this temporal restoration to the ultimate reign of YHWH Himself! In chapter 7, we see God's reproach for superficial spirituality. YHWH asks the Israelites, "When you fasted, did you really fast for Me? ... When you feasted - eating and drinking - didn't you feast for yourself?" This should challenge us to consider the motivation of our gatherings and holiday celebrations. This message was presented on October 20, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The 2nd Word of YHWH (Pt. 3a - The Visions of YHWH ... cont)
    Oct 13 2019
    The book of Zechariah is filled with many prophecies regarding YHWH's interaction with the nation of Israel and His plan for the end times. Over the past several messages we have been considering the 2nd Word of YHWH to Zechariah. Two weeks ago we began considering the 2nd section of this 2nd Word of YHWH - which is comprised of five visions - by considering the Vision of the Golden Lampstand and the Two Olive Trees. In that message, we considered the practical application of the vision, the importance of the Word of God being poured into our lives that we might shine brightly drawing people to God! As we examined the two Olive Trees we mentioned the prophetic aspect of the vision by considering the two witnesses mentioned in Revelation 11. I failed to highlight v. 4 of Revelation 11 which states, "These are the two olive trees and the two lampstands that stand before the Lord of the earth." Additionally, we referred to the fact that the Temple would be built in the future, and that there would be a "Zerubbabel" who would fulfill this prophecy by building the future temple. Today, we continue with the future aspect of these visions ... which, as we will see, are a condensed version of Revelation 11-18! This message was presented on October 13, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The 2nd Word of YHWH (Pt. 3a - The Visions of YHWH)
    Sep 29 2019
    We are studying the book of Zechariah which is filled with many prophecies regarding YHWH's interaction with the nation of Israel. As we consider Biblical prophecy, we must consider the historical context, Biblical precedent and, most importantly, what is specifically declared within the prophecy. The entirety of the book can be broken up into 5 distinct times that YHWH spoke to Zechariah. Over the past two weeks, we have considered the first section of the 2nd Word of YHWH to Zechariah - that dealing with The Zeal of YHWH (for Jerusalem). Between this message and, Lord willing, the one shared on October 13th, we will consider the five visions contained in the second section of this 2nd Word of YHWH to Zechariah. This message considers the first of those visions - the Vision of the Golden Lampstand and the Two Olive Trees. There are many interpretations given for what the lampstand is and who the Olive Trees are. However, using a proper exegetical hermeneutic (allowing the Word of God to interpret itself) the identity of these symbols becomes clear. "Lost" in the midst of the imagery, is the Word of YHWH to Zerubbabel. This word is many times quoted out of context. It is important, again, to interpret God's Word according to context in order to gain proper applications. This message was presented on September 29, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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  • The 2nd Word of YHWH (Pt. 2 - The Righteousness of YHWH)
    Sep 22 2019
    As we consider Biblical prophecy, we must consider the historical context, Biblical precedent and, most importantly, what is specifically declared within the prophecy. Last week, we began considering the first section of the 2nd Word of YHWH Zechariah. The 2nd Word of YHWH is broken up into two major sections: The Zeal of YHWH (for Jerusalem) and The Visions of YHWH. In last week's message, we saw that YHWH promised that He would return to Jerusalem and take up His residence there. YHWH would come in person! This message considers the Righteousness of YHWH presented in Zechariah 3. YHWH uses the Joshua the High Priest as His object to demonstrate His grace and love for people. As is stated in Isaiah 64:6 "But we are all like an unclean thing, and all our righteousnesses are like filthy rags." When Satan seeks to bring an accusation against Joshua, Joshua's advocate (YHWH Himself!) rebukes Satan, reclaims Joshua and then reclothes him! This message was presented on September 22, 2019 by Bob Corbin.
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